…photographs by an American living in Ireland

Posts tagged “flowers

Promise of things to come

There was a welcome Spring shower whilst I was out walking yesterday; a nice respite from the cabin fever of having the boys home from school on term break -- one riddled with chicken pox, poor lad. All is better now, he's off to a birthday party, feeling renewed; and the smaller sprout has his own party tomorrow. Seems that all is well, and even Mother Nature is making good on the promise of Spring. Such celebration in seeing colour in the landscape once again!

Dewy Fuchsia

Rain is always a risk when you go walking in Ireland, no matter the conditions when you set off. September 11, 2010 was a beautiful autumn day, crisp as an apple – until the skies went dark. Too far from home, I dashed under some trees and let it pass. This was my reward.